
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

DIY Printed Arrow Leggings

I love baby printed leggings but I couldn't justify spending so much on something Jacob wouldn't wear for long so I decided to make my own. Seriously, my chubs is growing out of them already!

plain leggings (I got mine from the baby girl section at Wal-Mart. Jacob is 7 months and these were 12 months.
fabric paint
paint brush
freezer paper or stencil blank
iron (optional)
xcacto knife

1. Draw your image. I freehanded a simple arrow but you can find and print your image online.

2. Trace your image onto freezer paper and cut around the outline with your xcacto knife. I didn't want to spend extra money so I repeated this for every arrow but if you want a more permanent stencil you could use stencil blanks instead of freezer paper using the same method.

3. If you're using freezer paper, iron on your stencils onto the fabric with the shiny side down and paint over the stencils. If you're using a stencil blank, you can go straight to painting! I needed three coats of paint. I think I'll use a stencil blank next time to save some time!

4. Heat set the fabric paint and follow the instructions on the paint bottle for care instructions. Pair with a solid color top or a cute graphic tee! I can't wait to make more prints! Feathers next?!

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