
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Inspired Heart Shoe Clips

I fell in love with's heart shoe clips but couldn't find it in me to spend $25 on them. Luckily, For Chic Sake posted a tutorial to make similar ones. Mine didn't turn out as nice as theirs (I have a love/hate relationship with my glue gun) but I still love the results despite all of the imperfections. I had all the materials already except the shoe clips which I ordered from eBay (I got 10 pairs for a little over a dollar) so it was a very inexpensive project! You could also glue the heart onto an alligator clip or an elastic band like I did here to make cute hair accessories.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

No Sew Tutu

My cousin-in-law had her first baby on February 13th, sweet baby Seanna. To welcome her to the world, I made her a no sew tutu and matching sequin headband (I'll post about that later). I'm not going to post a tutorial here because there are so many out there and it's super easy (Seriously, if you can tie a knot, you can make a tutu) but if you're looking for tulle I used the 6 yard rolls of tulle found in the craft and fabric section at Wal-Mart. For the colors, I used light pink, hot pink, and fushia. Since the tutu was made for a baby, I have plenty of leftover tulle so I decided to do a giveaway. Win a tutu for the little princess in your life through my Instagram.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Lego Ring Tutorial

One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is my Lego ring that my older sister made me. I get compliments every time I wear it. Today I'm sharing a tutorial so you can make your own!


Lego 2x2 bricks
adjustable blank rings
adhesive (I acutually used my glue gun because my E6000 was dried up.)

1. Apply glue around the circle underneath the Lego brick and hold ring in place for 10 seconds.

2. Choose a circle and glue on a rhinestone.

That's it, you're done!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! What are your plans? Today I'm sharing pictures from my sons' Valentine's Day photo shoot. To say it was rocky is an understatement! I don't know how parents gets professional looking photos of their kids. Joshua absolutely hates taking pictures and can be so uncooperative so if you know the secret, please share! This is a taste of how it all went down...

Joshua kept making funny faces...

and taking off his pants while Jacob kept eating his feet and covering his body suit.

Joshua was not cooperating (He's soo anti-Valentine's Day)!

They both kept moving around so the pictures turned out blurry.

I think this was the best shot of the two of them together.

Even though the pictures didn't turn out like what I had in mind, I know I will look back and be glad that I have them. I'm so lucky to have these little men in my life! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Strawberries & Cream Smoothie

I had a big bag of frozen strawberries that I needed to use so I made a simple strawberries and cream smoothie this morning. It's healthy, refreshing and takes less then five minutes to make!

1 cup of frozen strawberries
1/2 cup half and half cream
2 large spoonfuls of sugar

Blend all of the ingredients together and enjoy your smoothie!

I had some ripe bananas so I made a strawberry banana smoothie as well. The banana flavor is pretty strong so I suggest using only half of the banana if you're using the measurements above!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Freezer Paper Stencil Tutorial

I didn't get around to sending out cards last Christmas due to procrastination so I promised myself I would make Valentine cards to hand out instead. I know, it's almost Valentine's Day!

I really wanted to take pictures of my boys in a kissing booth but since the little one is only six months old, I had to think of something else. After scouring Pinterest, I found the perfect solution!

I was inspired by this adorable baby. The boys had some stained white tops that were perfect for this project. I love how they turned out! I can't wait to pucker up and cover my boys in kisses!

Want to make your own freezer paper stencil? I promise you it's super quick and easy! Here's how:

freezer paper
item of clothing
fabric paint
piece of cardboard

1. Trace your image on the flat side of the freezer paper.
2. Cut out the inside of your image.
3. Position the freezer paper shiny side down onto your item of clothing and iron it down.
4. Stick a piece of cardboard in between so that the paint doesn't leak.
5. Paint over your stencil and wait for it to dry.
6. Peel off the freezer paper and you're done!

Since I was only going to use the shirts once, I skipped making another stencil and just wrote on it with a black Sharpie permanent marker for the lettering. I can't wait to share the photos with you!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A New Year, A New Blog

First and foremost, Happy Lunar New Year! I've never been big on making New Year's resolutions, or at least keeping them, but creating a blog to showcase my love for all things do-it-yourself and keeping it updated has always been on top of my list. What are your resolutions? Here are mine:

Without further ado, welcome! I hope you enjoy this blog, find inspiration to create, and leave here with a smile. I can't wait to embark on this new adventure! Here's to a DIY-filled 2013! xox, Donna